So, a very hard and challenging year later, we are sitting at this years awards assembly. This year a little different. Unlike last year, the students voted this year for the kids awards...... One by one I watched the kids go up on the stage and get their award. Never saw Jonathan get up. So, tears are about to surface. I hear an announcement from one of the teachers. She said that two students made medals for every student at this school. I knew Jonathan would get his medal. If you have ever sat through countless awards and never heard your childs name, you can so relate to what I am saying.
At the very end of the assembly the principal got up and talked about the final award, it was that time again for the Character Award. This award is from the teachers only....I knew Jonathan wouldn't make it again this year. This is a very high honor and it needs to be spread out to other students. There are many students worthy of this award. So, I knew Jonathan would be sitting there knowing he surely wouldn't get it again, but yet, didn't receive any award and all his friends, of course, did.
"This honor goes to Jonathan Cox" I was floored. I didn't have my camera on, I was in the very back, and was not expecting this. Neither was Jonathan......He yelled, "yes, yes!!" much for that character......
I have never said to God, why in the world would you do this to my son....I have only said to God, please don't waste this opportunity to turn Jonathan into the kind of man that through every trial, will seek the face of Jesus and follow that example......I am watching this prayer being answered each and every day in his life. It's not in the paper that says Character....It's in little things, for example, at Jonathan's end of the year party there was a boy sitting by himself and I watch and Jonathan and a lot of his buddies go and sit with him. That is Character......
Miley Cyrus has a new song out entitled, The Climb.
"There's always gonna be another mountain, I'm always gonna wanna make it move. Always
gonna be a uphill battle, sometimes I'm gonna have to lose.
Aint about how fast I get there. Aint about what's waiting on the other side.....
It's the Climb...........
Today, we have reached the top and are basking in the ever sweet success of another mountain climbed. Not thinking about all the other mountains we have to climb one day, just celebrating it ONE day at a time.....
I am so very proud of you my wonderful, beautiful son.....You have always made my life a mountain top experience.......End note, he did wear his medal given by two thoughtful girls.......
1 comment:
Oh My Goodness, you need to post a hankie alert on this one. I need to get on your list when you post on this blog (cause you do it so rarely, I get tired of checking all the time... :)))) Zachary gets updates for some reason - go figure that one!! ;)
I too am proud of that character-filled, awesome while still very real boy.
Karen aka crazy kk
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