Monday, August 18, 2008

The Application

well, today, we did it....Jim and I filled out the 5 bizillion pages of a loan application to purchase a house to flip....I am so very excited...I just want to get to the "staging" part of the house!! Where I get to work my magic and make it shine!!! However, lots of work to do before then.....painting, caulking, tape/float, texture, oh my.....too much....cabinets, plants......I'm needing a nap just thinking about this....
I have wanted this for the longest time ever....I have had my hopes up for this and let down so many times, I'm afraid to even think about it.....But, to not think about it is impossible!!!
When Jim left to take the papers to the bank, the boys and I gathered around in a "prayer" circle and prayed for God's will to be done...because without it...don't want it......After I was praying, Jonathan looked at me and said, you're getting a job???? He thinks Mom is going to make lots of money...sorry, Wii yet!! Gotta sell it first.....well, got to get it first...then fix up and then sell, then maybe a Wii......
We are supposed to find out tomorrow.....WHAT??? Can't you take the papers and look over then now!! Don't you understand this is a longtime dream of mine??? How dare you wait until tomorrow......
I'll update the results tomorrow.......until then....anticipation!!!!!!!


BJ said...

hey nessa what is the email you used for this??? I made it where only the people that I choose can see my stuff, so your email would help that how you do it and all the ya de ya da. said...

my address is
That is smart to only allow certain people to see your blog...
stay as dry as you can....and enjoy your days off from school...jonathan starts tomorrow...and he is dreading it!!!!