December 10, 1995 the day I looked forward to all my life. The day I was supposed to meet my Jonthan VanWalter Cox for the first time in the nine months I carried him. In order to understand this journey completely, I have to go back a few months. I am married to the most amazing man in the world. He is a tad bit older than me so the process of having children may have been a challenge. So, after severl attempts (he didn't mind this process) and nothing happening, we had him checked out. He cleared. IT WAS ME? I was the problem??? I have three sisters that have had NO problem having children. So, why me? I'll get to the "why me?" in a bit.
I saw several Doctors, some of whom need to hang up their coats and play golf all day. No compassion what so ever!!!! Test upon test, only to have each month no more closer to having a child than when I first started. Then a friend told me about a wonderful Doctor in Dallas, Dr. Bertruand. Seems to be the best. So, we made our appointment, drove to Dallas and walked into his office. The first thing that hit me was a picture on the wall........12 children leaning on a porsche. Now, I thought how cute that was. Must be all his nieces and nephews....OH NO!!! Those were ALL his....I knew at that very moment, we are in the right place. This man knows what to do.....
I had to have surgery to clean out all the endometricious and be on hormone replacement shots for 4 months. That was when I KNEW my husband loved me. Let's just say, I wasn't the easiest person to live with. In fact, he hid my gun. Now come on, I would never be tempted to use that.....okay, he was smart in hiding that......
I finally got pregnant.....HALLILUHAH!!!!! What's a girl to do, celebrate....I tried to be somewhat healthy in, banana spilt seem most logical....fruit, calcium, nuts....ALL there......So, I made a habit of eating much so, I got written up in red after steping on the scales at my Doctor's office. Seriously?? After three months of this red ink punishment, I started feeling like a faliure. Not sure what made me feel that way, oh maybe the way in which the nurse handled it. She would make a big deal about having to open a drawer and pull out a RED pin to mark that I have once again failed. Oh brought memories of grade school all over again....I started sweating going to the Doctor. So I would strip when it came time to weigh in.....I told her my hairspray weighed at least 4 lbs...NOT amused....So, here comes my, "OH MY GOSH, 40 LBS OVERWEIGHT DOCTOR" waddeling in to tell me I'm overweight???? OKAY...I started writing my checks in red ink....
My due date, December 10, 1995...The day came and the day went....
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Thursday, August 16, 2012
My Heart is Broken
My emotions are raw. I can no longer shed a tear....there are none left. As most people know, it doesn't take me long to get there. This is the time of the year I hate the most...It ranks up there with Dentist, mammograms, gynecologist, and work........
My oldest son, Jonathan, has been struggling with his school for about two years and last year he made the decision to leave. He visited another school (at the peak of his unhappiness with his current school at the time when most anything looked better to him) and LOVED it. Loved the people, loved the fact that he could play basketball (which is all he really wants to do), loved the "fresh" start.
Summer came and we no longer remembered all problems the old school brought him. In fact, he started hanging out with some friends from there. The whole time I'm thinking, "Oh goodness, this is going to be hard for him to not go back." But again, his decision.
First day of school. I am pretty sure there were some pretty high expectations placed on this new school. After all, perception is ALWAYS better than reality. If that weren't so, Hollywood wouldn't be full of millionaires. We buy into the notion that the grass is truly greener on the other side. All I hoped was for him to find "his place". I'm not going to lie, when he didn't put on his uniform for school (like he had been wearing since the 6th grade), I got a small ache in my heart. It seemed weird. We dropped him off, and waited with great anticipation all day to hear how wonderful it was.
Got a text from him it said, "can't find my backpack." This is nothing new with us. We truly expect to loose things throughout the year. He comes out to the car. As his mother, I can read immediately my kids by their demeanor. And I knew immediately it was NOT the day we had all hoped for. He told me everything that was wrong about it, that he had made a big mistake leaving his old school. So, calmly, I had to remind him of all the reasons he left. How he felt when he had made that decision, and that his best friend is "time".....He thought he was going to go there and everyone was going to embrace him and he would find friendship immediately. Now, in reality, I think he will. It will take some time. I took him shopping, hoping to lift his spirits. That didn't help, so the next best thing.....Let him sleep. He didn't sleep at all the night before, so I knew he was tired. He came home, got in bed, and slept for several hours......
TODAY!!! Ryan's first day.....He is returning to the school Jonathan had been going to. He got dressed in his chapel clothes. Now, he didn't have to be at school until 9....Jonathan was already gone.....It came time for pictures....There Ryan was...all alone.....For 13 years they have ALWAYS been together for First Day school pictures....They went to Mother's Day Out together, they went to Elementary School together, they went to Middle school together.....But High school....they are not together......If it hadn't been for us being so late...(there's a shocker) it would have really gotten to me....but I set that emotion aside and went on.....Drove Ryan to school and had to go into the school to return something....I walked in and saw some of Jonathan's classmates and he wasn't with them..... I managed to stay calm and collected until I reached my car, shut the door, and LOST it!!! I cried all the way home.......A good cleansing of the eyes kind of cry......
There standing at the end of the driveway was my wonderful Knight in shining armor husband holding roses and cards in his hands......Now, I always LOVE seeing my husband....but today.....He was a much needed hug!!! The reason for the flowers.....It's just our 20th Anniversary!!!! Why did we pick this date......Did no one with children try to tell us it's not a good time to get married.....Would we have listened anyway.....??????????????
My oldest son, Jonathan, has been struggling with his school for about two years and last year he made the decision to leave. He visited another school (at the peak of his unhappiness with his current school at the time when most anything looked better to him) and LOVED it. Loved the people, loved the fact that he could play basketball (which is all he really wants to do), loved the "fresh" start.
Summer came and we no longer remembered all problems the old school brought him. In fact, he started hanging out with some friends from there. The whole time I'm thinking, "Oh goodness, this is going to be hard for him to not go back." But again, his decision.
First day of school. I am pretty sure there were some pretty high expectations placed on this new school. After all, perception is ALWAYS better than reality. If that weren't so, Hollywood wouldn't be full of millionaires. We buy into the notion that the grass is truly greener on the other side. All I hoped was for him to find "his place". I'm not going to lie, when he didn't put on his uniform for school (like he had been wearing since the 6th grade), I got a small ache in my heart. It seemed weird. We dropped him off, and waited with great anticipation all day to hear how wonderful it was.
Got a text from him it said, "can't find my backpack." This is nothing new with us. We truly expect to loose things throughout the year. He comes out to the car. As his mother, I can read immediately my kids by their demeanor. And I knew immediately it was NOT the day we had all hoped for. He told me everything that was wrong about it, that he had made a big mistake leaving his old school. So, calmly, I had to remind him of all the reasons he left. How he felt when he had made that decision, and that his best friend is "time".....He thought he was going to go there and everyone was going to embrace him and he would find friendship immediately. Now, in reality, I think he will. It will take some time. I took him shopping, hoping to lift his spirits. That didn't help, so the next best thing.....Let him sleep. He didn't sleep at all the night before, so I knew he was tired. He came home, got in bed, and slept for several hours......
TODAY!!! Ryan's first day.....He is returning to the school Jonathan had been going to. He got dressed in his chapel clothes. Now, he didn't have to be at school until 9....Jonathan was already gone.....It came time for pictures....There Ryan was...all alone.....For 13 years they have ALWAYS been together for First Day school pictures....They went to Mother's Day Out together, they went to Elementary School together, they went to Middle school together.....But High school....they are not together......If it hadn't been for us being so late...(there's a shocker) it would have really gotten to me....but I set that emotion aside and went on.....Drove Ryan to school and had to go into the school to return something....I walked in and saw some of Jonathan's classmates and he wasn't with them..... I managed to stay calm and collected until I reached my car, shut the door, and LOST it!!! I cried all the way home.......A good cleansing of the eyes kind of cry......
There standing at the end of the driveway was my wonderful Knight in shining armor husband holding roses and cards in his hands......Now, I always LOVE seeing my husband....but today.....He was a much needed hug!!! The reason for the flowers.....It's just our 20th Anniversary!!!! Why did we pick this date......Did no one with children try to tell us it's not a good time to get married.....Would we have listened anyway.....??????????????
Just another day in the life of a Mother of Boyz...............
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Sit Down and Shut Up!
Yesterday was a very frustrating day....We, of course, waited until the last minute to do our summer reading....AGAIN!! So, I got a burst of energy yesterday morning and decided to do EVERYTHING that needed to get done....So, I loaded the boys in the car...The oldest drove...YIKES! And off to the library we went....
To fully understand the "library" for the Cox's, I need to set up the scene....My youngest, has ALWAYS been a bit....looking for the right word.....curious....yeah, that's a good word for him....When he was around 5, I used to take my boys to the library every week to check out several books for them to read during naps and right before bed....They actually loved going to the library....So, on Library Day, I had to set the rules....."You must not talk in the library, people are reading and studying, and you can't run around, you must stay with me." With the rules fresh on their minds we would set out for our adventure for the day. So, as usual my oldest would stay right there with me, NOT talking, looking for fun books.....And there is my youngest....running around the library with several books...I mean SEVERAL books....talking loud enough to wake the dead.....I know at this point you can just see the scene playing out in your head.....Here comes the librarian...(not sure where they get them)....Tall woman that has NEVER had kids, let alone a "curious" boy....and she wants to explain to him why we don't run around the library all the time looking at me like I'm so dead beat mom that would allow her son to run around pulling books randomly from the shelf...Well, come to think of it, I guess I would be that.....So, at the innocent young age of 5, my boy gets grounded FROM THE LIBRARY........What mother can say that?? He was so very sad, he couldn't get books.....
Now, 10 years later, we walk into the library, my oldest is staying with me, looking for his book......where is my youngest? Running around the library, acting 5 all over again!!! So, this's not the librarian that gets him.....IT'S ME!!!!!!!! I talked (not using my library voice) to him like he was 5 and made him sit in a chair and DON'T move!!! Then gave him a sports magazine to entertain him.....Yes, I even used the curse word...sit down and SHUT up!!!!!
My frustration level has long peaked by now...I don't even care if we do our summer reading at this point.....The librarian can't find the book we need.....She doesn't understand I have a 5 year old trapped in a 15 year old body that is about to explode....GET THE BOOK NOW!!!!
So, today, we are ordering the book on Amazon....That way we can shop online in the comfort of my own home while my youngest runs around and yells......
Happy Summer Reading......
To fully understand the "library" for the Cox's, I need to set up the scene....My youngest, has ALWAYS been a bit....looking for the right word.....curious....yeah, that's a good word for him....When he was around 5, I used to take my boys to the library every week to check out several books for them to read during naps and right before bed....They actually loved going to the library....So, on Library Day, I had to set the rules....."You must not talk in the library, people are reading and studying, and you can't run around, you must stay with me." With the rules fresh on their minds we would set out for our adventure for the day. So, as usual my oldest would stay right there with me, NOT talking, looking for fun books.....And there is my youngest....running around the library with several books...I mean SEVERAL books....talking loud enough to wake the dead.....I know at this point you can just see the scene playing out in your head.....Here comes the librarian...(not sure where they get them)....Tall woman that has NEVER had kids, let alone a "curious" boy....and she wants to explain to him why we don't run around the library all the time looking at me like I'm so dead beat mom that would allow her son to run around pulling books randomly from the shelf...Well, come to think of it, I guess I would be that.....So, at the innocent young age of 5, my boy gets grounded FROM THE LIBRARY........What mother can say that?? He was so very sad, he couldn't get books.....
Now, 10 years later, we walk into the library, my oldest is staying with me, looking for his book......where is my youngest? Running around the library, acting 5 all over again!!! So, this's not the librarian that gets him.....IT'S ME!!!!!!!! I talked (not using my library voice) to him like he was 5 and made him sit in a chair and DON'T move!!! Then gave him a sports magazine to entertain him.....Yes, I even used the curse word...sit down and SHUT up!!!!!
My frustration level has long peaked by now...I don't even care if we do our summer reading at this point.....The librarian can't find the book we need.....She doesn't understand I have a 5 year old trapped in a 15 year old body that is about to explode....GET THE BOOK NOW!!!!
So, today, we are ordering the book on Amazon....That way we can shop online in the comfort of my own home while my youngest runs around and yells......
Happy Summer Reading......
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Tuesday, May 15, 2012
What I read at Dad & Katie's Anniversary Celebration:
Ecclesiastes 3: To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the Heaven. A time to be born, and a time to die. A time to cry and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance.
Pretty good from someone that Home Churches.....
May 29, 1982...Michelle lost her Dad..Katie lost her husband..It was their time to mourn.
June 27, 1985...My sisters and I lost our mother..My Dad lost his wife..It was our time to mourn.
As my family watched our Father struggle through his new life without my Mom, we prayed daily that God would bring someone in his life that could cook for us....I mean, him...and take care of him...
Around May 1986, my sisters and I played on our church softball team. Our coach and dear friend, Sue Wright saw we needed a good home cooked meal and decided she needed to take, she introduced Katie to my father.
April 25, 1987..our time to dance came...My father married Katie. Although Katie didn't bargain for having the Brady Bunch move in, she handled it with grace and dignity.
The year 1987...gas prices were .89c a gallon, Fox network made its prime time debut, Prozac made it debut in the U.S., Howard had hair, and our precious Kyle Stephen and Sarah Faye were born with MANY more to come. And I had red, blond, black, and purple hair...not all at once...yeah, maybe all at once...
Ecclesiastes 3 goes on to say...A time to heal, a time to break down, and a time to build up. A time to weep a time to laugh. In these past 25 years, our family have walked through just about all of the verse...We have experienced weddings, deaths, sickness, health issues, sadness, joy, childbirth, graduations, ballgames, laughter, and tolerance. We learned how to join these two families into one. Great times were had on the back porch eating and just laughing. Now, to address the "time to kill" portion of Ecclesiastes....just play a board game with Katie...she goes in quick and silent and you never know what hit you..
Thank you Dad for being the best Dad a girl could ever ask for. I would have said this even if I weren't your favorite...
Katie, thank you for loving my dad and taking care of him for the past 25 years. I know it wasn't easy going from 1 child to 5. Thank you for all the great advice and just listening to me when I talk. Thank you mostly for being a GRANDMother to my boys and investing in their lives.
And last but not least, I want to thank you both for your faithful walk. You are truly an example of Proverbs 3:5....Even though your plan was not the same as God's, you kept your trust in HIM...and that is why we are all gathered here to celebrate you two...
Ecclesiastes 3: To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the Heaven. A time to be born, and a time to die. A time to cry and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance.
Pretty good from someone that Home Churches.....
May 29, 1982...Michelle lost her Dad..Katie lost her husband..It was their time to mourn.
June 27, 1985...My sisters and I lost our mother..My Dad lost his wife..It was our time to mourn.
As my family watched our Father struggle through his new life without my Mom, we prayed daily that God would bring someone in his life that could cook for us....I mean, him...and take care of him...
Around May 1986, my sisters and I played on our church softball team. Our coach and dear friend, Sue Wright saw we needed a good home cooked meal and decided she needed to take, she introduced Katie to my father.
April 25, 1987..our time to dance came...My father married Katie. Although Katie didn't bargain for having the Brady Bunch move in, she handled it with grace and dignity.
The year 1987...gas prices were .89c a gallon, Fox network made its prime time debut, Prozac made it debut in the U.S., Howard had hair, and our precious Kyle Stephen and Sarah Faye were born with MANY more to come. And I had red, blond, black, and purple hair...not all at once...yeah, maybe all at once...
Ecclesiastes 3 goes on to say...A time to heal, a time to break down, and a time to build up. A time to weep a time to laugh. In these past 25 years, our family have walked through just about all of the verse...We have experienced weddings, deaths, sickness, health issues, sadness, joy, childbirth, graduations, ballgames, laughter, and tolerance. We learned how to join these two families into one. Great times were had on the back porch eating and just laughing. Now, to address the "time to kill" portion of Ecclesiastes....just play a board game with Katie...she goes in quick and silent and you never know what hit you..
Thank you Dad for being the best Dad a girl could ever ask for. I would have said this even if I weren't your favorite...
Katie, thank you for loving my dad and taking care of him for the past 25 years. I know it wasn't easy going from 1 child to 5. Thank you for all the great advice and just listening to me when I talk. Thank you mostly for being a GRANDMother to my boys and investing in their lives.
And last but not least, I want to thank you both for your faithful walk. You are truly an example of Proverbs 3:5....Even though your plan was not the same as God's, you kept your trust in HIM...and that is why we are all gathered here to celebrate you two...
Chapter Closing
I am the world's worst at planning something far in advanced and then wanting to back out when the time comes to actually do it...Case in point is traveling....I HATE to leave home....I LOVE seeing my sister and her family, but it's the boarding the dogs, driving in the car, flying in a plane, working through the unknown. I guess I'm just a "homebody"....
For two years now, I've watched my son go from this happy go lucky person to a very unhappy person. Due mostly to his environment. Slowly things have been chipping away at his comedial demeanor....I have said to him daily, "this does NOT define you..." Only, I was wrong. I believe if you stay in an unhealthy situation for too long, it becomes you...thus defining you.
He requested to remove himself from the school he has known since 6th grade. The only other school he attended was elementary and that was the same one from K-5th. Our family doesn't handle change very well. For him to want to make this change, something must really be wrong. So, we allowed him to "shadow" another school. He loved it. He feels as though this school is a better "fit" for him. So, now we are in the process of closing this chapter and turning the page. Oh if it were just that simple. It comes with a lot of sadness. I really grew to love a lot of the parents and students there. But, on the flip side of that, I've grown to really harbor some hatred towards those that repeatedly "beat" (figuratively) down my son. So, much to the point I too was unhappy. One thing I am sure of, is when you are in an unhealthy situation, you MUST remove yourself from it or it will eat at you until there is nothing left.
My two boys will not be together at school. That could be both a good thing and a bad. As of late, it is a bad thing. If ever I needed God to come to me, sit with me, and tell me I AM doing the right thing, it is now. My heart is heavy, my eyes are full, and my attitude is bad. I am in desperate need of a change. The "what ifs" are surfacing everywhere....what if he gets over there and it's worse....Unfortunately, I am the queen of "what ifs".......
So, the school year is closing. All that is left is finals...Then we walk out the door of a beautiful campus, leaving behind some wonderful teachers and staff, great friends, awesome opportunities, and some good memories. Letting go of the hurt and resentment of those that hurt my son, and letting God heal me and my son. Finally allowing God to "define" who my son is, not the situation......
Monday, April 2, 2012
Day ONE (and Probably Only) of Getting Into Shape
Spring is in the air...which means in Texas, it is HOT....baggy sweatpants and hoodie will no longer be able to be worn. Although I felt my best in them it just is too hot....So for weeks I have been telling my hard head self that it is time to get in shape. To add to this, we are in the process of building a pool. Now, last time I checked, the only full bodied (swimwear) cover up is a wet suit. Trust me, I tried to get away with it, but people looked at me as though I had lost my I was looking to ride Shamu IN A POOL!!!!!!! So, really, no more excuses...
Last week, I started my workout program...I looked in the exercise/game room at ALL the exercise equipment we have....BORING!!! I don't have a TV where I can catch "Army Wives" .....I tried lifting weights but every time my kids heard the dumbbell hit, they ran outside to watch me like I was the main event at the freak show at the Fair.....I got tired of them laughing so hard they were on the floor....I threatened them with ending their very existence if I saw a phone come out of their pocket and happened to see myself on UTUBE!!!!!! So, basically I wasn't safe anywhere....Walking...I can go fast or slow....For THREE days I walked...Four miles.....Day four hit and I was not going to have anything to do with this....oh, the excuses came from everywhere....Dogs chase me....People want to hit me....Trees could fall and kill me....Why there are horses waiting for me to walk by so they can stampede over me....I NEVER said my logic was....well, logical.....I live in a constant state of paranoia.....
So, this weekend I said, enough is enough...I can watch someone exercising on TV and want to do that so bad....They run through a beautiful neighborhood with flowers and trees, green grass, and sprinklers.....AND a camera crew right beside them on the universal lot where just two days was a neighborhood devastated by aliens.....
Sooo....Sunday, I decided it is time to eat right and exercise...You NEVER started a program on Sunday....IT IS THE DAY OF REST....I got it straight from GOD!!! So, I decided, Monday I will start....
Sunday, I made Chocolate no bake cookies...time to carb up for my big ride tomorrow....I ate 5 cookies before I even knew what hit me....Took my sweet boy out to eat....large portion of Mexican food....This will do it....I am ready now...
Monday Morning, I get on my pulled back in a ponytail, with a ball cap on ( I am trying to NOT be noticed)....Music in one ear, the other to listen for that huge Sand Lot dog that is waiting, or the tree that will decide to fall as soon as I shake the road hard enough.....I am feeling good. The wind is hitting my face, I can smell the fresh grass being mowed, the cows and horses are not wanting to stampede me, they are eating....everything is good.....UNTIL.....I hit my first hill.....HILL??? Today, I would call that a mountain....I am telling myself, stop, get a drink and rest....Are you kidding me, you just started....See how my brain is split in half and constantly fighting with itself....I kept going....Then it happened...I turned to find the biggest hill EVER....Okay, I can do this....I found the song, Rocky (yes, I really did!), turned it on and turned the corner to climb every mountain....There they were....THREE men about at the top of the mountain WORKING!!! REALLY, you HAD to pick TODAY to turn on the electricity to this house....They couldn't just wait one more day to turn on lights.....It is NOT a pretty sight..I am dying...I am going slower than I would if I were walking...You can hear me breathe, sweat pouring down my face, arms, hat falls off....It is truly a sight....Here's the thing, they should laugh....If I were them, I would be laughing!....IT was funny....MY TWO minds were in agreement....DON'T YOU DARE STOP NOW!!! Kick it in and finish....Finally made it to the top.....It sounded as though I had gone through the entire birthing process...Heavy breathing, clinching my nails into the handlebars, looking for ANOTHER lower gear...only to find there are no more....Who knows, I may have even screamed....But I made it...
Only to have Sparky the dog come and want to naw on my legs....I am pleading with this stupid dog to please go home and eat breakfast...not my won't taste good, it's all sweaty....Thank goodness a car drove by and Sparky went to chase the tire on that car.....Didn't say Sparky was a smart dog.....
I made it home safely, my legs felt like rubber bands and every chocolate cookie in my stomach turned on me.....Day Two should be interesting.....I think I might try roller skating....I seem to remember I was pretty good in my younger days.....
Last week, I started my workout program...I looked in the exercise/game room at ALL the exercise equipment we have....BORING!!! I don't have a TV where I can catch "Army Wives" .....I tried lifting weights but every time my kids heard the dumbbell hit, they ran outside to watch me like I was the main event at the freak show at the Fair.....I got tired of them laughing so hard they were on the floor....I threatened them with ending their very existence if I saw a phone come out of their pocket and happened to see myself on UTUBE!!!!!! So, basically I wasn't safe anywhere....Walking...I can go fast or slow....For THREE days I walked...Four miles.....Day four hit and I was not going to have anything to do with this....oh, the excuses came from everywhere....Dogs chase me....People want to hit me....Trees could fall and kill me....Why there are horses waiting for me to walk by so they can stampede over me....I NEVER said my logic was....well, logical.....I live in a constant state of paranoia.....
So, this weekend I said, enough is enough...I can watch someone exercising on TV and want to do that so bad....They run through a beautiful neighborhood with flowers and trees, green grass, and sprinklers.....AND a camera crew right beside them on the universal lot where just two days was a neighborhood devastated by aliens.....
Sooo....Sunday, I decided it is time to eat right and exercise...You NEVER started a program on Sunday....IT IS THE DAY OF REST....I got it straight from GOD!!! So, I decided, Monday I will start....
Sunday, I made Chocolate no bake cookies...time to carb up for my big ride tomorrow....I ate 5 cookies before I even knew what hit me....Took my sweet boy out to eat....large portion of Mexican food....This will do it....I am ready now...
Monday Morning, I get on my pulled back in a ponytail, with a ball cap on ( I am trying to NOT be noticed)....Music in one ear, the other to listen for that huge Sand Lot dog that is waiting, or the tree that will decide to fall as soon as I shake the road hard enough.....I am feeling good. The wind is hitting my face, I can smell the fresh grass being mowed, the cows and horses are not wanting to stampede me, they are eating....everything is good.....UNTIL.....I hit my first hill.....HILL??? Today, I would call that a mountain....I am telling myself, stop, get a drink and rest....Are you kidding me, you just started....See how my brain is split in half and constantly fighting with itself....I kept going....Then it happened...I turned to find the biggest hill EVER....Okay, I can do this....I found the song, Rocky (yes, I really did!), turned it on and turned the corner to climb every mountain....There they were....THREE men about at the top of the mountain WORKING!!! REALLY, you HAD to pick TODAY to turn on the electricity to this house....They couldn't just wait one more day to turn on lights.....It is NOT a pretty sight..I am dying...I am going slower than I would if I were walking...You can hear me breathe, sweat pouring down my face, arms, hat falls off....It is truly a sight....Here's the thing, they should laugh....If I were them, I would be laughing!....IT was funny....MY TWO minds were in agreement....DON'T YOU DARE STOP NOW!!! Kick it in and finish....Finally made it to the top.....It sounded as though I had gone through the entire birthing process...Heavy breathing, clinching my nails into the handlebars, looking for ANOTHER lower gear...only to find there are no more....Who knows, I may have even screamed....But I made it...
Only to have Sparky the dog come and want to naw on my legs....I am pleading with this stupid dog to please go home and eat breakfast...not my won't taste good, it's all sweaty....Thank goodness a car drove by and Sparky went to chase the tire on that car.....Didn't say Sparky was a smart dog.....
I made it home safely, my legs felt like rubber bands and every chocolate cookie in my stomach turned on me.....Day Two should be interesting.....I think I might try roller skating....I seem to remember I was pretty good in my younger days.....
Why does the song," I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was" keep playing in my head right now...........
Stay Tuned...............
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