As I was looking at our calendar, I realized we are nearing the half mark of summer and we still had not done "things" with the is a big issue right now with the warehouse and flip house still not done....and baseball, we are are right in the beginning stages of, this team is not last years team (state champs) but we are still doing okay. I was reading the paper and looked at the movies coming out....I saw Ice Age 3...The boys had said they wanted to see this, so I noticed it was playing at SkyVue, our local drive-in theater. So, I knew we had a night off from baseball, so I mentioned it to Jim and he said go for it......
We iced down some drinks, loaded up some snacks, grabbed the Off, and loaded in the car....We talked and laughed all the way out there about different things....Got there just in time to throw down a blanket with pillows, set up the chairs, and go get movie pop-corn....
As I was watching the movie, I looked up at the sky, the moom was half full and just beautiful...there was a gentle breeze blowing...just enough to make it tolerable to be outside in July.....We watched two movies....which were both really good movies....
As I was staring at the moon, half listening to the movie, it dawned on me that this was just a memorable as an expensive trip....maybe not as much as a "wow" factor, but one that I think my kids will remember....I know I will.......Time just seemed to didn't matter that we don't have the flip house finished. the kids don't have their summer reading done, we don't have the yard mowed.....none of that mattered...what mattered is that we had pop-corn in our laps and drinks in our cupholder, and we were all together as a family....enjoying the night.....
This was a moment I wanted to bottle up and bring home to open on one of those school nights where we have so much homework, and stress level is at its highest....
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