That night, after the game, the coach told Ryan he was going to be pitching on Wednesday's game....Okay, I'm gonna say this, and my husband probably will NEVER back me up on this one...but, I have really changed...I can remember when my kids were younger and they were playing sports....I was yelling...I knew the coaches couldn't do a better job than I....But one day, I had recorded myself and couldn't believe I was that, I don't much....
Wednesday morning...The day of the heart attack.... I was insistent Ryan go outside and throw about 50
pitches...learn the fast ball, curve ball, and change-up...and be rested for the game...okay, now who is going to catch those pitched balls?...I made my oldest son go outside with Ryan and he lasted for one fast ball and said he was done....So, I told Ryan he needed to rest....So, we went to the bating cages...He hit a few, I yelled a few, and we came home......All day long I felt like I was having a heart attack....In fact, I mentally prepared for it...I went online and searched "women having heart attacks...what are the symtoms".....well, I had 2 out of 10....however, the website said that if you have one, you should call your Doctor....One of the symptoms was anxiety...okay, on any given day, symptom one is always present... Also, your chest feels like there is an elephant on it....yes, I feel like an elephant is there.....Another one is irritability...yes again...always, what do I do....I took a baby asprin, I've been told that helps with blood flow.....I took it easy, meaning I didn't clean, cook, or kids would say I do that most days.....
Time for the game....Oh my, I had to take four tums.....I think there is an elephant on my chest...another symptom...(I think I can talk myself into having more symptoms...because of fear)......Ryan warms up...Looking good...His aunt and uncle are here to cheer him on....I just want him to do okay for about two innings for them.....
He pitched the WHOLE game!!!! He struck out 11 batters!!! He hit the ball solid.....About the bottom of the 5th I realized the elephant had walked away....He was no longer on my chest.....At that moment, it dawned on me I was nervous for Ryan.....WOW!!! I had put so much pressure not on him, but on me. Not sure why that happened.....He had not pitched in over two years and I was so afraid of what could happen...There are fans out there that will turn on your child, most especially the pitcher.....I heard a few remarks....I shot a look to let them know they really didn't want to mess with him....I'll sic my elephant on them!
I was so very proud of him. Not because he was awesome..but because he truly did his best....If he had walked 4-5 runners, hit a batter, pitched badly, I would have still been proud of him...Would have had more elephants on my chest but still would have been proud.......That's what Mom's do....They are their child's biggest fans....... After the game, we went for ice-cream to celebrate....
All-Stars is over for this year. Ryan may never step foot on the pitchers mound again. But what he experienced this night can never be taken from him. He pitched an awesome game...and we won.....15-7....
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