My wonderful husband asked me what I wanted to do for my "special" day. He usually thinks a BIG blowout of a birthday party is what is in order....So, I told him.....I want to go eat at Big Pine Lodge (holds a special childhood memory for me) with ALL my family...then I want all my sisters to spend the night with us. I want to laugh so hard we cry, I want to stay up WAY too late, eat too much, and even jump in the pool in the middle of the night....So, that is what we did. Something so simple as time with my family is what I value the most these days. I have never really been one to have many friends. Mainly because I don't invest the time. I feel as though I would rather be at home with my family than trying to go out. Always been that way....I used to really feel bad about that, but I now embrace it.....
Friday ended with watching Ryan play football in Garrison. Not just any game. A game against the school where the son of a friend that I grew up with in Longview attends, Billy Ray Cooper. Now, he no longer goes by that...Just Billy or BR..... But he will ALWAYS be Billy Ray to me. We did EVEYTHING together.
On Saturday afternoon my family met at Big Pine Lodge (The Cox family arrived early for once)...We, my Dad and Katie, my sisters and families, ate catfish as we watched the Aggie game...Then went on a boat tour of Caddo Lake together...
Friday night we arrived back at our home and sat outside with music, cigars, food, drinks, and LOTS of laughter.....Finally went to sleep around 2 a.m...(we all paid for that dearly) only to get up the next morning and have coffee, sausage balls, and eggs.....
I am looking out my window and getting a little sad to see the empty chairs that just a few short hours ago had my family in them...a cold reminder of how fast time really does fly by...
Today, I celebrate a day with my wonderful, amazing husband, my incredible boys and my awesome niece (living with us while she does her student teaching) and thanking Jesus that I am healthy and blessed WAY beyond measure.
I opened my fb on my birthday only to find I had over 200 messages from people I have crossed paths with in the past and today. Wow, how loved I feel.
I can't wait to see what the next 50 years will bring.....Today, I eat cake, tomorrow I throw it all away and hunker down on the getting fit....DRAT!! Already, I am dreading it.....Hopefully, it will rain really hard and I can put it off yet another day ;)
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