Okay, our first week of school is about to come to a close....I have only been BACK to the school because of something forgotten maybe three times this week.....I yell, scream, and holler the whole way to school as I am reminding the boys, "you have got to do a better job at managing your time, and making sure you have everything so this doesn't happen again." I have had that conversation three times with them...I guess they are not hearing the "AGAIN" word.....
So, Tuesday was the start of football with full pads...Oh, and they have to be on the field at 7:45. Okay, stop there, I am a 1/2 hour girl....Which usually means, if it starts at 10, I'll fly in on two wheels around 10:30...So, we are up, breakfast will be eaten in the car (we have 30 minutes to kill), and there is plenty of time to gear up and be on the field by 8:15(see, 1/2 hour later)...Just kidding...
Okay, here is your visual for this morning.....
"LET'S GO WE ARE 30 MINUTES LATE (1/2 hour again) YOU ARE GOING TO BE IN TROUBLE......here they come walking like a turtle, with backpack open, papers flying, books scattered, milk spilling, and NO SHOES!!!!!
We finally get in the car, throw it in reverse and pull out....going down the road like a motor speed race...only this time we are dodging red lights and cops hiding......the boys are eating their wonderful homemade prepared nutritious breakfast....NOT...prepackaged, preservative overloaded breakfast bar that should keep them going...oh...until they get there...then they are depleted......When all of a sudden I hear, in his turtle voice, "MOM...................."yes, Jonathan, what do you want.....still speeding..the car not him......."I forgot my..........OH MY GOSH, TELL ME YOU DIDN'T (in a high pitch, glass shattering tone) JUST SAY I FORGOT!!!!! So, now Ryan, my one who just can't let ANYTHING pass (as long as it is not him in trouble), says, "Oh, great, here she goes again.......
Our car is pulling into our private school where we see all the little children neatly clothed, hair comb just right, even sprayed to show how much time they had to get ready....Teeth brushed (assumption,you know), and backpacks are zipped with all completed homework inside......And here we come...A lot like the Clampitts when they drove into Los Angles......
The boys are getting out, papers are literally flying everywhere, backpacks are wide opened still, the blue uniform shorts now have crumb droppings and spots of milk spillage on them....Hair is everywhere but in place....Teeth...never mind....mints will hide the stench of not brushing since school started....
And here she comes.....The perfect GIRL.... (another visual)...picture her walking slowly but with confidence....Her hair was so beautiful, teeth were white, her backpack was placed neatly beside her and her uniform didn't have a wrinkle in it.....
She backs up out of my way as to not get hit by my speeding car, and as the boys open the car door she says it.....
"Oh my, can I help you guys??" Okay, I'm gonna let my bad side out for just a minute, so if you think you might be offended by this, skip to the next paragraph....
Oh no she didn't just say that.....She's not happy.....That is what I say to everyone who has it all together...Shallow and lame, I know, however, hurt people, hurt people....and today I'm hurt and have the need to hurt somebody.....
She graciously bends down and picks up all the stuff that has fallen from the car, helps the boys ....yes, you heard me, BOYS, not one.....BOTH.....helps the carry what they can't, and off they go...well, my turtle is slowly catching up to them.....She then turns around, comes all the way back to the car and shuts the door that MY BOYS had forgotten to do..... I leaned over to her and said, "thank you, we had a stressful morning and aren't quite up to par." Like tomorrow was going to be any different.....She laughs and says, "that's okay, we have mornings like that." Really, cuz I'm thinking you don't......
As I'm driving off I'm thinking of ways we can do better and not have this happen again....The ONLY solution I could come up with is, we will drop off somewhere else so we don't see her.....Or she doesn't see us......
Friday, August 28, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Summer '09
We have an annual "summer" dinner..fried green tomatoes, new potatoes, squash, okra, and cornbread
Ryan made All~Stars...That is him pitching....
July 4th Tea Party
I got to go to Gulf Port, MS and pick my sister and her family up and bring them home to Texas for a week....FUN TIMES.....
My Dad playing Wii Bowling...Now that was fun!! Memories
Summer Crawfish Boil....
Family Reunion

The girls sang for Aunt Barbara who is dying of cancer...Hard thing to do.....

Medieval Times with Mattie and Mandry...Oh and Jimmy and Amy

Yes, we are on T.V....note to self...NEVER go anywhere without makeup you NEVER know!!!!!!

Dirt racing...it's a lot of fun!!!!!!

BLACK hair....for two weeks....

Texas A&M to visit Kyle....we went to a Brazos Boomers Game...Kyle was working there....

Late night schedule...Nanny....and eat snacks you see featured on Unwrapped....
The girls sang for Aunt Barbara who is dying of cancer...Hard thing to do.....
Medieval Times with Mattie and Mandry...Oh and Jimmy and Amy
Yes, we are on T.V....note to self...NEVER go anywhere without makeup you NEVER know!!!!!!
Dirt racing...it's a lot of fun!!!!!!
BLACK hair....for two weeks....
Texas A&M to visit Kyle....we went to a Brazos Boomers Game...Kyle was working there....
Late night schedule...Nanny....and eat snacks you see featured on Unwrapped....
The End is here, once again...
Here it is, that dreaded time of Summers End...Time to once again replace flip-flops or better yet no shoes for, "Mom where are some socks".....Time to replace late night watching the Nanny and eating, to late night homework.......Time to replace waking up at day-break with my coffee and journal, to waking up the dead and getting them to school by 7:45.....Oh, I could go on, but I think you get the picture.....
This summer has been a weird one for us.....There were no expectations.....We didn't do anything "Big"....In fact, we really didn't do anything at all.....One really big thing for me was I woke up one morning early August and decided to Home school.....Now, that is a word we have heard in our house for many years....One thing I told my boys in May was if we don't sell our flip house or ware house, we will not be able to go back to the private school....Well, we haven't sold either one....However, God is so very good and some how has made a way for us to go....Now, not sure how we are going to pay for this because we haven't sold these two most money consuming items, but I have to let go and let GOD......I talked about homeschooling with my husband and he wasn't as excited as I thought he would have been....Don't get me wrong, he has wanted me to do this many times before....But looking back I NOW see why....I waited too late....They are not wanting to give up their "social" part of school.....So after three weeks of stressful home school vs. not......back and forth, we have decided to go ahead and continue with the private school.....Which means I have to go to work.....And I am okay with that...Hard thing is figuring out what it is I want to do.....
So, I'm sitting here on our last day of summer and my "to do" list is SOOO long, I know this day will fly by.....I suddenly feel the urge to have my house spotless before tomorrow...Not sure why, it is hardly ever clean....But I feel if your house is in order, every thing just falls into place....That is one area I would LOVE to change....I even have a folder labeled "organize" with many great ideas on how to get there and stay there.....but, I don't do it.....Fly Lady needs to come visit me again.....
It has been a pretty good summer....My sister and her family came for a visit...That is always a highlight......And mostly just hung out...Doing nothing...And sometimes, nothing is good....Because I feel our lives are about to get really busy....and I am quickly getting less and less of my children....Now that breaks my heart......Maybe I should start a new folder labeled, "how to let go"......
So, I will go and start my last day....I will soak up all the time with my precious boys....and I can bet you, tomorrow there will be an ache in my heart....My boys will be away from me and a part of me will hurt...I will stay busy to try to make that clock tick a bit faster.......And I'll try to make small talk with my precious husband who is just as emotional as I am about this dreaded day......and come 3:30, I will be so happy to be picking up my very tired boys to come home and start homework.......Wishing for summer all over again....
This summer has been a weird one for us.....There were no expectations.....We didn't do anything "Big"....In fact, we really didn't do anything at all.....One really big thing for me was I woke up one morning early August and decided to Home school.....Now, that is a word we have heard in our house for many years....One thing I told my boys in May was if we don't sell our flip house or ware house, we will not be able to go back to the private school....Well, we haven't sold either one....However, God is so very good and some how has made a way for us to go....Now, not sure how we are going to pay for this because we haven't sold these two most money consuming items, but I have to let go and let GOD......I talked about homeschooling with my husband and he wasn't as excited as I thought he would have been....Don't get me wrong, he has wanted me to do this many times before....But looking back I NOW see why....I waited too late....They are not wanting to give up their "social" part of school.....So after three weeks of stressful home school vs. not......back and forth, we have decided to go ahead and continue with the private school.....Which means I have to go to work.....And I am okay with that...Hard thing is figuring out what it is I want to do.....
So, I'm sitting here on our last day of summer and my "to do" list is SOOO long, I know this day will fly by.....I suddenly feel the urge to have my house spotless before tomorrow...Not sure why, it is hardly ever clean....But I feel if your house is in order, every thing just falls into place....That is one area I would LOVE to change....I even have a folder labeled "organize" with many great ideas on how to get there and stay there.....but, I don't do it.....Fly Lady needs to come visit me again.....
It has been a pretty good summer....My sister and her family came for a visit...That is always a highlight......And mostly just hung out...Doing nothing...And sometimes, nothing is good....Because I feel our lives are about to get really busy....and I am quickly getting less and less of my children....Now that breaks my heart......Maybe I should start a new folder labeled, "how to let go"......
So, I will go and start my last day....I will soak up all the time with my precious boys....and I can bet you, tomorrow there will be an ache in my heart....My boys will be away from me and a part of me will hurt...I will stay busy to try to make that clock tick a bit faster.......And I'll try to make small talk with my precious husband who is just as emotional as I am about this dreaded day......and come 3:30, I will be so happy to be picking up my very tired boys to come home and start homework.......Wishing for summer all over again....
Monday, August 10, 2009
Can I get off this roller coaster...PLEASE
Okay, from my last post, I have changed my hair color back to more of a red tint...I got so tired of hearing my boys call me "goth mom" or witch mom, And I didn't feel good about myself...It was just too dark....They say that you should not go quite so dark as you get older because your wrinkles show more...Yeah, bout that...my boys point those out EVERY time we are together....
The worse one is the arms....I'm not a big person, however, you would think I have the biggest "granny" arms..that's what we call them....Someone, over night, came in my house and put them in my arms....I can't get rid of them.....Okay, maybe I'm not trying real hard to do this...the mid-night milkshakes, fresh french bread, homemade chocolate chip cookies, and worse homemade ice cream probably doesn't help.....
The boys have decided to not home school. They want to go be with their friends....I totally understand that...Not sure where the money is going to come from....Until we sell our flip house ( http://nessa-fabulousflip.blogspot.com/ )and the ware house (that's another story)...money is TIGHT!!!! So, we are going to sign the contracts today....I have such mixed emotions about this...I have always wanted to home school....And I know my window of opportunity is closing...I wanted to tackle this for one year, however, I waited to late...My boys are to old at this point....And it would be difficult...I see what they are learning these days...WOW!!! Am I smarter than a 5th grader....No, don't think so.....
I just think it would have been neat to have them home..I think I'm thinking through the eyes of Hollywood...where life is perfect...my boys would wake up, eat breakfast, do their chores, open their books and life would be so grand.....Real world.........forcing them to wake up around 11, yelling at them about 10 times just to eat breakfast, the constant fighting....yeah, I better wake up!!!! So, the job hunt is on.... (http://jobsearchmakesmystomachhurt.blogspot.com/ )
I have one more week with them. One more week of no schedules, no homework till 11:00, no drama from school, no more sleeping in and staying up late, no more The Nanny (don't ask).....Why oh way do I dread it so much....
The worse one is the arms....I'm not a big person, however, you would think I have the biggest "granny" arms..that's what we call them....Someone, over night, came in my house and put them in my arms....I can't get rid of them.....Okay, maybe I'm not trying real hard to do this...the mid-night milkshakes, fresh french bread, homemade chocolate chip cookies, and worse homemade ice cream probably doesn't help.....
The boys have decided to not home school. They want to go be with their friends....I totally understand that...Not sure where the money is going to come from....Until we sell our flip house ( http://nessa-fabulousflip.blogspot.com/ )and the ware house (that's another story)...money is TIGHT!!!! So, we are going to sign the contracts today....I have such mixed emotions about this...I have always wanted to home school....And I know my window of opportunity is closing...I wanted to tackle this for one year, however, I waited to late...My boys are to old at this point....And it would be difficult...I see what they are learning these days...WOW!!! Am I smarter than a 5th grader....No, don't think so.....
I just think it would have been neat to have them home..I think I'm thinking through the eyes of Hollywood...where life is perfect...my boys would wake up, eat breakfast, do their chores, open their books and life would be so grand.....Real world.........forcing them to wake up around 11, yelling at them about 10 times just to eat breakfast, the constant fighting....yeah, I better wake up!!!! So, the job hunt is on.... (http://jobsearchmakesmystomachhurt.blogspot.com/ )
I have one more week with them. One more week of no schedules, no homework till 11:00, no drama from school, no more sleeping in and staying up late, no more The Nanny (don't ask).....Why oh way do I dread it so much....
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Black Hair~Pick-up Truck~ & Home School
No this is not my mid~life crisis...And no, I'm not losing my mind....I have really been thinking this summer....I am closing a chapter of my life and it is really hard!!! I love being a Mom....I love my kids and love spending time with my kids...In fact, I would rather be with my kids and husband than with anyone else (other than sisters) I loved it when they were young and we didn't have the stress of schedules, school, heartaches, and life in general....
This has really been a hard summer....As I have said many times I still have the flip~house and the ware house that are not ready to sell....And school is just around the corner...In fact, today is August 1....We don't have the money to spend on vacations....All our time and money needs to go towards these two things....So, part of me is feeling guilty.....
I woke up one morning not to long ago and thought about what it would be like to home school the boys.....We could travel when we wanted to...It would only be for one year, we would save a lot of money on tuition, I would have my boys, We could learn at the pace they needed, less stress, no late night homework!!!!!! Many other reasons....
Then, I started thinking about Jonathan not getting to play football possibly for the last time, it's his 8th grade year~king of the school, he would miss his friends, Ryan wouldn't get to go to Brook Hill like he has wanted to for two years, and the biggest one....What if I failed at this......I defeat myself every time!!!
We sat down as a family and talked about this and the boys really want to go to Brook Hill....So, in our hearts, we know that is probably where they need to be....So, in two weeks, I will send my boys to school, hit the job market hard to find a job and hope I have flexible hours to be able to be with the boys when needed, and miss them like crazy!!!
Now, the pick~up....in order to shave off some debt, I traded my car and my husbands truck for a brand new Dodge Ram Hemi.....I can't believe I'm gonna be driving a truck....Actually, I'm okay with it...I love driving trucks...In case you don't know me, I am truly country....I walk around the house bare foot but not pregnant....
Finally, Black hair....I have been coloring my hair for some time now and last year I colored it a red tent....I actually really liked it and got several compliments on it...well, it was time to cover the roots, and wanted to make my husband happy (he likes my hair natural whatever that means) so I decided to go darker..only it went BLACK...I look like a 40 year old :) Gothic witch.....It is scary!!! I called Clairol's 800 hot line and she told me what to do...I would have to apply two applications....one of them being blond...I got scared...who are these "hot line" people? Do they really know what they are talking about, or are they just sitting there selling insurance or snuggies also......Needless to say, I am still dark...really dark...My husband really likes it...
I guess the best thing is...I can stalk someone right now....I have jet black hair and a new truck...No one will know me now!!!
I'm gonna go now and spend the remaining two weeks laughing, playing, eating, and just being with my wonderful boys.....And the love of my life.....
I've got a pretty good life.....
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