We honored my father today by going to church with him......We all got up a little tired from a long night last night. The boys had some friends wanting to go "wrap" a yard. I decided to let them go as long as I could watch and make sure they were safe. I can remember as a middle school kid how much fun we had doing that. But, we don't live in that world any more. Long story short, they finished around mid-night and we came in but they were not ready for bed....they were as pumped as a football player that just scored the winning touch down....
I was trying to get myself dressed, find something for the boys to wear....when you home church, "church clothes" are not important. Actually, the boys wear shorts at our church....
We got in the car....a typical Sunday morning....late, grumpy, hungry, and now tired....I remind the boys that today is Father's Day and they owe it to their father to behave...Like it's okay all the other days of the year (except Mother's Day, of course) to act crazy.... They ate their healthy breakfast of pop-tarts and milk...and before we got out of the city limits they were at each others throats again....we finally made it to church... I tell the boys to smile, and BEHAVE!!!! Now as we are sitting in the pew, I can no longer yell, I have to do "the LOOK"....oh, they know the look...the look is, I"m gonna take you out of this world if you don't stop immediately what you are doing.....the boys swear my eyes turn red during these episodes.....
The preacher talked about how the best gift a father could give is the gift of time.....At that moment, my youngest poked me as if to say, I needed to hear that.....Okay, like we don't spend time with you......hello, did you forget I GOT UP WITH YOU LAST NIGHT SO YOU COULD WRAP!!!!! I just gave him "the look" and kept on listening!!!
The preacher talked about how the best gift a father could give is the gift of time.....At that moment, my youngest poked me as if to say, I needed to hear that.....Okay, like we don't spend time with you......hello, did you forget I GOT UP WITH YOU LAST NIGHT SO YOU COULD WRAP!!!!! I just gave him "the look" and kept on listening!!!
After church we took my dad out to eat for lunch along with my sister and her family. Had a wonderful meal and we all talked.. Then we went to Dad's house to give him his gift...We took pictures out by his garden. He has the most beautiful sunflowers he grew just to enjoy....
One of the highlights of my day was walking around the house looking at all of Daddy's flowers. He would explain what they were and how well they grow....I have never done that!!! It was truly special. It was a memory that all to soon will become even more special because he will be gone....I love my dad so very much and realizing more every day how much I am like him...
We said our goodbyes and drove down the road and saw a produce stand.....I have been wanting a watermellon all summer long....And since the first day of summer is today, it was perfect.....We had the best time there...The boys had never been to a produce stand before....they even serve homemade peach and strawberry ice cream....We ordered it and sat down in the hot and humid weather and enjoyed every bite....We shared with the boys things we remembered as a child and how this would be something they will share with their children....
As we were driving home it hit me what the preacher had said earlier...the best gift a father can give is the gift of time...Isn't that the best gift anyone can give....How much
time is wasted regretting you didn't spend the time when you had it.....I got one of the greatest gifts today....walking and talking with my dad....that is rich!!! that is worth more than silver and gold....
Daddy, thank you for always giving me the gift of your time...I can't remember a time my dad wasn't there for my piano recitals, band concerts, choir performances, sunday school, G.A. presentations and on and on....I always remember him being there....But thank you most of all for living the ultimate gift and that is the gift of salvation.....My Dad truly lived and still lives the verse talked about today, As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.....
Happy Father's Day to the best Dad ever!!!!!!!!!!!!
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