A while back my husband was reading a story about my family history on my Dad's side. He asked me about some of the people and, sadly I didn't know who many of them were. I remember getting together with these people once or twice a year at family reunions but, unless you were a kid and loved eating mustard and freeto sandwiches, I didn't get around you much... I have found that, as I get older, I long to know my family.
I am getting ready to pay my final respects to an aunt that passed away on Friday. I went to the family's home today and was flooded by many memories of that house. I looked out the kitchen window and could see (in my mind's eye) my uncle working in his garden....I remember from my childhood that he had a rather large garden in a relatively small yard. I got to visit with my cousin that I haven't seen since the last funeral. It was so good catching up but, the whole time we were visiting I was thinking to myself how sad it is that my aunt couldn't be here to enjoy all her family.
Why is it that we have limited ourselves to little or no contact with family members or friends until there is either a crisis or death. One thing that came to me was my perceived "flaws" in some of my family members. "Oh, I don't think I like that person."; "We don't share the same beliefs." or "That person was always so weird." I have found as I get older that the ones I feared the most, ended up surprising me the most. We build up such false perceptions of someone for so long that our perceptions become our reality.
The challenge I would love to throw out to my family, friends, kids, husband (and me too....especially ME too) is to tear down that "perception wall" and acccept each and every person regardless of their life style and/or life choices. We all make millions of choices in our lives......some good, some bad......and all result in consequences. Some of these choices are life changing. I truly hope to avoid standing in judgement of a person because a bad choice was made. There is only one person in charge of 'judgement" and HE is the
only one that can handle it.....
I want to get to know my aunts, uncles, cousins, Dad, friends and sisters....I want to be able to be there for the good times and the bad....after all, who else should you want around you more than your friends and family during a time of need.....However, I don't need to see you
only in time of crisis or death...It's much the same with your relationship to/with God....It is built up by a daily walk with Him....He is there for the good and the bad...It really isn't fair to HIM (or me either!) to run back to HIM only when you have a crisis....HE actually doesn't need our relationship, it's we that need HIS relationship....Much like our family....when a person dies, their memories of us go with them...we who are left behind are susceptible to living in regret with, "if I had only spent more time with them." "TIME" is the thief that we NEVER remember until it has passed....We all know how "in the blink of an eye" someone can be gone.....The question is, am I thankful I spent time with this person? There are NO "do overs" in life......
We are fortunate to live in a time where we can reach out and touch just about anyone on this earth. My word, we can find where they live and even "virtually" pass by their house....Reach out and touch a people just about any time of day and anywhere they go....Laugh when they laugh, cry when they cry, listen when they talk....It just takes a little time and effort and my admonition is (to me as well) is to just "DO IT!" I promise, you will get more out of it than they will....But these "Walls of Perception" must be torn down and replaced with bridges of acceptance......