Then the sadness hit me....I'm not supposed to be at home.....I'm supposed to be walking where Jesus walked....Say that 3 times fast...When you hear it, you just don't let that sink in...But today, it sunk in.....To actually walk where Jesus walked...WOW!!!!!
I walked today where Jesus walked.....In days of old.....I wondered down the path
he knew.....
And felt HIS presence there.....
I have three friends that are there right now....Tonight as we are sleeping, she will be in a hospital in Isreal.....My heart is broken....God, YOU have GOT to heal her....No, not the ultimate healing where she will be forever with YOU in Heaven...As much as we all long for that day, I need her here....The world needs her here....She has such a passion for YOU, Lord....She has so much left to say and do for YOU!!!!!!!
Please do me a around 2:30 a.m. if you are awake, please say a prayer for her...NOT just a, "Oh God, be with her'.......A gut wrenching cry out to our Lord Jesus Christ for healing....and to be with the Doctors and everyone involved.....Then listen to Larnelle Harris sing I walked today where Jesus walked....
Walk Christi....Walk everywhere Jesus put his foot down......Feel the very presense of GOD!!!
And we will be here praying for your every step......And come home to us expecting a miracle....Because this girl still believes God is in the miracle business.....We are going to sit back and watch in amazement......