Tuesday, November 5, 2013

How to NOT train for a Color Run....

My sister's and I decided to sign up for a color run race.  They are all the rage today.  Basically, you run a race and in addition to water stations, they have "paint" stations where people have liquid color and powdered color they throw on you as you run/walk, all while encouraging you to keep on going.

Oh yeah, baby...this is what I need to jump start my exercise program. The one I have needed to start about 5 years ago.  But this will do it.  I've got about 3 weeks to train.  I will lose all my unwanted "baby" fat (babies are now 17 and 15) once and for all.....

The way I wanted to train:

Week One:
Put on shoes.  Walk about two miles.

Week Two:
Put on shoes.  Walk/run about two miles

Week Three:
Put on shoes.  Walk/run three miles.

Color Run:
Congratulations....You have lost the weight, and have trained well.  You will have NO trouble running this race.

The way I actually trained:

Week One:
I can't find my shoes.  I've got 2 more weeks to train.  Oh the Halloween candy is out.  It won't be here for long. Gotta stock up for trick-or-treaters.  Wouldn't want those sweet babies to not have candy when they knock. Where are my shoes?

Week Two:
Shoes?  Who needs shoes....Oh wait, I do...Gotta go back to store to restock candy for Halloween.  I polished it off last night so that it would no longer be a distraction for my training.  Along with the cookies I made, the pumpkin cake so the house would smell like fall.  Still have one more week.  I can do this...

Week Three:
Oh I have found my shoes.  Gotta wash them because they have so much dust.  I'm pretty sure they are NOT dusty gray, but are indeed black.
Halloween candy everywhere...NO trick-or-treaters came to our house....Oh drats.....It's time to clean house...get rid of all the "bad" foods I made for our Halloween party.  So, I polished off the rest of the candy, rice crispy treats, Christmas cookies that I couldn't resist on my 3rd trip to store to restock Halloween candy, and chips and sauce.  NOW, I can start eating good.  Didn't train well.  Okay, I didn't train at all, however, this is a time I can be with my sisters and we can bond while we walk this race.  Just as long as we are not the LAST ones walking across that finish line.

Oh we are so excited.  I made tutu's for all of us to wear.  CONFESSION:  The tutu's were to cover my butt from the yoga pants I got into not too long ago.  I really hate our new clothes dryer.  The setting is TOO hot.  I have had to get rid of so many clothes because it just shrinks them too much.  Oh yeah, back to the race, I was so unhappy with how my tutu really flew up in the back.  In fact, every step I made, it flew up with every jiggle.
The music is playing, people are stretching, pictures being made, I am getting pumped.  Somewhat sorry I didn't actually train for this thing.
The race started.  My son took off and decided to leave us in the dust and run the race.  I didn't even attempt to go with him.  My niece was the same way.  Something clicked in me....My competitive nature...  It didn't go away because I got fat.  It got worse.  I looked at my other son and said, "let's do this".......We ran/walked the whole way.  Our time was surprisingly good.  I could feel every snicker bar, m&m, Tootsie roll, and pay day rolling around my body.  My junior mints didn't feel so junior anymore.
We finished the race, we threw color all over ourselves and cheered as the rest of my family came in.

All in all, it was truly a good day.  I didn't let myself be upset that I didn't train like I should.  I just enjoyed the moment of being there with all my family and laughing so hard we cried.  The best part, we celebrated the race by going to eat Mexican Food.  Calories burned....calories restocked.

I was so very excited that I found yet another type of race that is gaining popularity.....The Candy Run.....Now, I'm already ready for that (look back at how I actually trained).......I only hope instead of throwing paint, they throw candy.......Probably need to go back to the store and start my training.........