As I'm writing this, the last week of Jonathan's Middle School career is coming to a close. Another chapter in his life is ending. I remember like it was yesterday starting to panic a bit, wondering where Jonathan would end up going to Middle School. As parents, we knew he couldn't continue in public school where we were living. So, the search was on. We visited several private schools. And walked away with a feeling of being right where we started....square one.....Then one day, out of desperation, Jim suggested Brook Hill. Now, what I wanted to do first off was hit him. How dare him waste our time. That school is way to expensive and way to far to drive. I had even been told they charge just to drive in their beautiful gates. But being the obedient wife that I am or maybe just that I knew we were out of options, I gave in. We went on a tour, fell in love, signed the contract....before I even knew what hit me. Now three years later, I'm more in love with Brook Hill than ever.
Brook Hill watched Jonathan........
*Get his heart broken for the first time by a girl.....
*Stand up against a bully only to become one of his friends.....
*Turn from a shy, quiet boy to a boy that walked across a stage as a female witch and a policeman in Music Man
*Learn how to learn...How to study.....How to do homework....
*Confirm his calling to be used by God in any area seen fit....
*Improve in sports.....
*Have a "true" friend....
*Have to say goodbye to a "true" friend.....
*Go from a a man....
These last few years I have watched drawings on my refridgerator replaced with RenWeb.... Bathtub toys replaced with hair gel and face products. My heart hurts for the little boy lost. I want so bad to hold his hand and continue to guide him. But it is becoming more and more obvious he is doing it on his own. The way God designed it.....
I thank Brook Hill for making what is the worst time in a persons life (Middle School) some of the best times in Jonathan's life......
I don't know what the future holds for the Cox family at Brook Hill. But one thing I am certain, God has richly blessed us these past three years and I do know this, HE WILL bless us in the future.
Funny thing, I have yet to be charged at Brook Hill for driving in the gates.......